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We attach great importance to sustainability!

NovaNox GmbH & Co. KG shows the way!

Braunschweig's regional system supplier NovaNox GmbH & Co. KG receives seal of approval from the Allianz für Nachhaltigkeit Niedersachsen

The time has finally come: NovaNox GmbH & Co. KG has been awarded the "Wir sind dabei" seal of approval by the Alliance for Sustainability for its commitment to ecological, social and economic sustainability. The Alliance for Sustainability is a cooperation between the state government, trade unions, chambers and business associations in Lower Saxony. The aim of the Alliance is to promote and support companies in Lower Saxony in the areas of ecological, economic and social sustainability. In order to achieve this goal, the exchange of information between companies in the areas of energy efficiency, material efficiency, solar energy and the calculation of CO2 footprints is to be intensified.

"For us, sustainability is not just a buzzword that we need to pay attention to. It means taking responsibility both privately and professionally and we are accordingly proud and pleased that the Alliance for Sustainability recognizes and awards our achievements," say Deniz Demirci and Timo Dutko, Managing Directors of NovaNox GmbH & Co. KG. NovaNox has been impressing with its sustainable thinking and actions for years. The company takes particular care of future generations by providing training and taking on all trainees. Employees, including trainees, are involved and supported in decision-making processes. When it comes to economic sustainability, NovaNox is constantly setting new standards, as Managing Director Deniz Demirci makes clear: "We see it as our duty to constantly optimize quality management in order to continuously improve. As part of our quality management, we therefore work with full conviction in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard." NovaNox is also one of the pioneers in the industry when it comes to ecological sustainability. The company is constantly looking for new ways to use energy more efficiently in its processes and procedures in order to act in an environmentally friendly manner. Optimizing the packaging process was one of these changes. The company decided to use DHL's GoGreen shipping service to send its parcels in future. This project enables parcels to be sent climate-neutrally throughout Europe. Care is also taken to manage and use resources with care in day-to-day operations. "The workforce is 100% behind our goal of being climate-neutral and supports us with new ideas whenever possible," added Deniz Demirci.

Of course, the idea of sustainability and climate protection does not end with the measures mentioned above. NovaNox is constantly on the lookout for new ways to make its use of materials more effective, particularly in the shipping process. With their sustainable mindset, they also try to inspire their suppliers to follow the path they have taken, develop strategies and fight together for a climate-neutral economy. All this happens under the premise of anchoring the German Engineered climate protection approach in the minds of partners along the supply chain. "NovaNox is a very good role model in the corporate landscape of Lower Saxony. In order to achieve the climate targets, partners from the entire industry must set an example," says Yannick Heringhaus, Head of the Alliance for Sustainability Lower Saxony office.