Develop talents, discover interests and realize innovation
Training: Be part of the NovaNox® team from the very beginning and take on responsible tasks!
NovaNox® offers you not only a versatile, well-founded and practice-oriented training. We also focus on the further development of both personal and social skills. The central components of the training also include entrepreneurial thinking, independence and team spirit.
And after the successfully completed training? If you perform well and integrate well into our team, there is nothing to stop you from continuing your employment beyond the training period!
NovaNox® trains in the following areas:
- Office Management
- Industrial clerk
- Management assistant in wholesale and foreign trade
In addition, there is the possibility to complete an internship and gain experience and set goals.
You want to get to know the real working life? Do you want to do an apprenticeship later on or would you prefer to study? Which profession matches your interests and skills?
Whether you need the practical experience as part of your school education or whether you want to do an internship out of personal motivation: At NovaNox® you will find answers to your questions and we offer you a look over the shoulder of our employees.