Regional sports sponsorship is important to us at NovaNox® GmbH und Co KG, which is why we encourage young talents when it comes to demonstrating their playing skills. For this reason, your system supplier is now a sponsor of the talented SV-Gartenstadt. Because our core values include more than just sustainability and education. A good work-life balance and a regular outlet through sport are also of the utmost importance.
SV-Gartenstadt was founded in 1960 and has been one of the regional soccer teams in Braunschweig ever since. Currently, SV Gartenstadt Braunschweig consists of 13 soccer teams, including ten junior teams. Although they do not currently have an A-youth team, with the help of two F-junior teams, a golden and broad future should soon be on the doorstep. The services include not only coaching various soccer youth teams, but also gymnastics and yoga classes for different age groups. Full of enthusiasm and commitment, young talents have been trained and physically encouraged here for 63 years. Naturally, NovaNox® supports the local club and encourages this enthusiasm.
Whether sport, education or individual system solutions, as YOUR system supplier we support you and work together towards an ambitious goal. We are excited to see how SV-Gartenstadt's playing performance will develop, because the potential is definitely there! We are happy to support SV-Gartenstadt as a sponsor and look forward to many exciting games and, of course, points.