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Every two years, the world of agricultural technology gathers at the internationally renowned AGRITECHNICA trade fair. This year was no exception and we at NovaNox® recognised how important this event is and therefore took the initiative. Our Managing Director Deniz Demirci and Marketing & Project Manager Jan Hinze made the journey this year to gain a comprehensive insight into the latest technologies in agriculture and agricultural machinery.

We wandered through hall after hall, picking up stimulating ideas and discussed some interesting topics with the leading minds of the industry leaders.


NovaNox® is known for being a future-orientated company. We are always on the lookout for improvements and do not shy away from technology, but embrace and utilise it.

There were interesting new technologies at the fair, such as the new innovative batteries for agricultural machinery. We will produce the necessary hoses to ensure reliable performance. As you can see, we are looking to the future, as everyone should. So we are prepared and at the same time excited about what lies ahead.


This was also a very interesting topic. We believe, just like agriculture, that sustainability is very important. It encourages us to think long-term and achieve a safe environment in which we can live. Just like agriculture, we will continue to work towards the goal of "ZERO EMISSION". With the fuel cell hoses in our portfolio, for example, we want to help achieve this.